lessons learned

Matt's Monthly Money Must Do's | July 2018

Matt's Monthly Money Must Do's | July 2018

The 4th of July seems like such an odd thing to celebrate.   We are really celebrating the most famous divorce decree ever written.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the document, but it was just a bunch of bitter guys generating a divorce decree with barely any input from the counterpart. 

From now on, I believe we should turn Independence Day into Financial Independence Day.  Start celebrating those who have hit financial milestones.

On to the To-Do’s…

Quiet Market Turn Scary...Create Opportunity

Quiet Market Turn Scary...Create Opportunity

If you haven’t been paying close attention to investment markets, you might be now.  While the investment world spent the year 2017 plodding steadily upward with relatively low volatility, the New Year has brought with it over-exuberance in January followed by mild panic in February.  Needless to say, markets have definitely caught our attention over the last few days.

Our call to “stay the course” couldn’t be stronger.  We have advised folks to expect a market correction for over a year now.  Markets will generally experience a 5-10% correction in any given year, yet we actually closed in on a 24 month run without one.  It’s been long overdue and actually welcomed after the feverish pace at which stocks were purchased in the month of January.  While the economy continues to be on solid footing, no significant changes spurred on January’s buy excitement, and nor did they contribute to the sell-off we have seen the last 2 trading days.