Noteworthy News

We've scoured the internet so that you don't have to. Consider this our monthly roundup of relevant articles to support your pursuit of prosperity.   


Gen X Should Prepare Now for the Great Wealth Transfer 

As the Baby Boomer generation ages, it’s more important than ever that Gen Xers talk to their family and understand how their wealth situation could change. 

When Student Debt Payments Restart, Your Loan Type Will Make a Big Difference 

The looming end of a pandemic-era pause to student loan payments and interest puts a spotlight on a big difference between two types of debt: subsidized and unsubsidized loans. 

With Credit Card Rates Rising Fast, Here’s How to Ask for a Better Deal 

Swiping your credit card has now become more expensive than ever, and it’s because credit card interest rates are rising crazy fast. That’s why we think you should call your credit card company and ask for a better rate — pronto. 

10 Retirees Share Their Biggest Regrets 

While many workers look forward to retirement, financial struggles and other surprises can present challenges during this phase. 

To prepare, it can be helpful to see what other retirees have to share.